Now we are talking! I added thirteen albums to my library to check out on this release day. I’m mostly through them all and while there wasn’t one release that absolutely blew me away, there were a lot of good releases this week. Let’s dig in!

My pick for favorite album this week has to be New Last Name by Courting (Listen). Their last album, Guitar Music, was on my ‘best of’ list for 2022. (Listen) I think that album was criminally underrated (I had it at ), but I also acknowledge that it was QUIRKY…so while it may be in my wheelhouse, it may not be widely appreciated.

New Last Name does a lot to address that – it’s poppier and a little more straightforward, but it’s still really fun and (a little) quirky like Guitar Music. Think if you put Los Campesinos!, the Strokes, and a dash of emo in a hyper pop blender – that’s Courting. And I think it’s pretty great.

Song highlights: “Throw”, “Emily G”, “The Wedding”, “America”.

“Throw” by Courting
“Emily G” by Courting
“The Wedding” by Courting

Honorable Mentions

Wall of Eyes by The Smile (Listen)
The second album from the Radiohead side project. Some really good moments on this album, but it really just makes me want more Radiohead. I’ll return to it, but I honestly think if it wasn’t Radiohead, it wouldn’t get half the hype. (Not saying it isn’t good, just overblown.) Maybe it will grow on me…

Spiel by Office Dog (Listen)
Office Dog is very much in the same vein as Truth Club, who released my album last year and one of my favorites from 2019. Spiel is not quite as good as those two albums, but those are super high standards. If you dig guitar indie bands, like Truth Club, Pavement, Pinback, etc. I think you will really dig this album. I’ll definitely be revisiting.

Blue Raspberry by Katy Kirby (Listen)
Super well written somber indie folk. Apple Music has Tomberlin and Hand Habits as related artists…those are very good comparisons in my opinion. Definitely a great album to toss on during a lazy Sunday.

Madra by NewDad (Listen)
I’m pretty much a sucker for anything described as shoegaze, so this was an easy add to my listening pile. If you dig bands like The Cure, Lush, Beabadoobee, and Hannah Jadagu you will certainly like this record.

Everybody Can’t Go by Benny the Butcher (Listen)
Buffalo represent. I generally dig everything Griselda does, though I lean more toward Westside Gunn in terms of favorite tracks. If you like gritty 90’s hip hop, this is for you. If you are new to Benny, I’d start with Burden of Proof (Listen) and work your way from there.

Anything we miss this week? Let us know in the comments!


I am a patient boy.

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