Featured New Release (Jan 5 edition)

Featured New Release (Jan 5 edition)

There weren’t many new releases this week, but one album still stood out as interesting and I have a feeling it will last the year on my “Best Of” list. That would be SPRINTS new album Letter to Self. (Listen)

From the band:

Inspired by Savages, their sound matured into energetic and abrasive garage-punk, synthesizing influences ranging from early Pixies, Bauhaus, Siouxsie Sioux, IDLES and LCD Soundsystem.

I definitely agree with most of those comparisons, except maybe LCD Soundsystem. I also hear some Fugazi elements, which makes sense considering a couple of the bands listed.

The songs get stronger as the album progresses, with my fave tracks being “Adore Adore Adore”, “Can’t Get Enough of It”, and “Letter to Self”. The band has the driving, heavy/noisy at times post-punk thing down — with soft/loud dynamics added to make the songs interesting.

Lyrically, everything you’d expect and want from a punk band: commentary on misogyny, LGBTQ+ rights, gender expectations, trauma, depression, and more. A sampling from the song “Letter to Self”:

I gave you everything, my blood, sweat, hope and tears
You took my hopes and suffocated them to fears
A sweeping roaring hand brushes against my chest
If that’s what the world’s got to give, I’ll give as good as I get
But I am alive
But I am alive
But I am alive
But I am alive
But I am

“Letter to Self” by SPRINTS

In most songs, the lyrics are used as another driving element, with repeating lines and phrases, that not only add to the dynamics, but drive home a point. Not my favorite style, but it definitely works here and adds a lot to the songs.

For more, check out this good BrooklynVegan feature/interview, where the band breaks down each track. As well as this Stereogum review.

I wasn’t familiar with this band prior to today, so this was definitely a surprise. I highly recommend giving the album a shot and please listen to the whole thing. I think you too will be sold on the band by the end. Enjoy!
