Featured Crucial Releases (June 7 edition)

Featured Crucial Releases (June 7 edition)

Back at it with our first release Friday of June and I’m going to push to get posts out every week (maybe every other week), as doing a full month look back is a pain – so much music comes out it’s hard to pare it down to a reasonable number!

This past Friday had an absolute banger and a contender for my favorite album of the year: Lived Here for a While by Good Looks (Listen)

Good Looks plays an amalgamation of Americana, emo, and indie rock that is remarkably catchy and well written. Think if Tom Petty or Jason Isbell or the Eagles played emo-tinged indie rock. My favorite song is “Self-destructor”, so before we continue, give that ear worm a listen:

SO you have those catchy riffs and these heart-on-your-sleeve lyrics that could have been off any emo album from the late 90s:

Sorry if I didn’t seem like I was listening
Sorry if my face was full of criticism
Walk into a room, try to pick a fight, make yourself a victim
Self-dеstructor goodbye

Other top tracks include “If It’s Gone” and “Can You See Me Tonight”:

The whole album is do damn good and highly recommended. Between this one and Liquid Mike, you have your self two albums perfect for summer driving with the windows down.

Honorable Mentions

  • LEAVING EP by Kerosene Heights (Listen) – one of my favorite 90s emo revival groups are back with an EP of new material. They reliably hit all of the points that made that era of music so memorable to me and I’m here for a modern band’s take on that style.
  • Santa Cruz by Pedro the Lion (Listen) – another blast from the past is back with a new album. Generally a good solid release and everything you’d expect from David Bazan. We saw Pedro the Lion (and him solo) a bunch while we lived in Seattle, so this definitely brings back memories.
  • Eight Pointed Star by Marina Allen (Listen) – indie folks in the vein of Joni Mitchell and Joanna Newsom. A very solid release that I’m definitely going to revisit. Perfect fall music or during walks/work sessions.